Smith, Samuel
- Born 9/2/1808, unk. town, unk. country (England ?)
- 5th child of Smith-Unknown-18C
- 7 siblings
- Carpenter
- Died 4/1/1891, unk. town, South Australia
Married / Union
unk. location - date unk.
Residencies & milestones
- Migrated to Australia via "Success" that left London, England on 27 November 1842. Arrived in the Swan River Colony on 22 March 1843. The passenger list states Samuel, Caroline, Sarah, George and Caroline as arrivals (read more). History suggests a fourth child (William) died at sea.
- The migration was sponsored by Mr. Davies of Fremantle.
- Moved to South Australia in 1845.
- Owned multiple properties in Fifth and Sixth Street in Bowden, SA.